How We Cut
We flitch saw most of our logs. This means we cut the log into slabs keeping both natural edges. We then reform the log with stickers between the slabs to ensure a healthy air flow as the wood cures.
Our slabs air dry until they are below 28% moisture content, which means they are safe to be put in the kiln. We kiln dry them down to 6-8% moisture content. (Currently all slabs are kiln dried only after an order is made.)
Flitch sawing allows us to make use of the most amount of wood from our logs and also allows us to create eye catching book-matched pieces. You can, too. All our slabs are in sequence and numbered so you can compare them and find the best match for your job.
We have a tremendous variety of slabs from a large variety of hardwood species:
- Lengths from 4’-20’
- Widths from 12”-60”
- Thickness from 5/4”-5”
You may notice most of our slabs are 2.5” thick. Why?
Until recently we cut wood exclusively for use in our furniture shop. Over the years we have found 2.5” to be a good thickness for the slabs that we use, but we know you might want something different, and we’ve begun to mill a greater variety of thicknesses. More of that wood should be ready in the coming months.
- If you would like specialty milling done let us know. We are happy to mill to your specifications.
- We also sell complete boules. Give us a call or email if you see one you’d like for a project.
- See a slab you would like made into furniture? Call us, we are happy to discuss design options.
Our mills
We use two different sawmills:
Woodmizer LT-40— The woodmizer is a bandsaw mill that allows us to cut smaller logs and make dimensional lumber.
Peterson DWS—The Peterson is a chainsaw mill that can cut a 63” diameter log, which handles most of the bigger logs we take in from the areas we salvage.
Moisture content
We list most of our available slabs on our site—from recently milled to 5 years ago. The majority of slabs have been drying from 1-3 years and most are below 28% moisture, which means they are ready to safely be put into the kiln.We kiln dry our slabs to 6-8% moisture content. For the moment we will put the slab in the kiln after it is ordered. If preferred, we sell air dried and green slabs.